Inspiring the next generation to engage with Asia

About Us

Expert Insight on Asia from Global Business Leaders and Asia Experts

The Asia Scotland Institute (ASI) is a non-profit organisation which exists to promote a greater understanding of Asia through the sharing of knowledge. We run regular events with global leaders from across Asia, with the aim of stimulating curiosity and fostering an environment to promote the exchange of knowledge.

Our core mission is to educate and inspire the leaders of tomorrow.

Thai Ambassador Event 1


Dedicated to Understanding Asia and Promoting Global Connections

Asia Scotland Institute serves as a crucial bridge promoting meaningful Asia-Scotland relations and facilitating access to valuable insights into Asia. Through our initiatives, we aim to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Asia’s rich cultural heritage, dynamic economies, and complex political landscapes. Our work is structured around three key pillars:

Arts, Culture & Education

We celebrate and promote the artistic and cultural diversity of Asia through hosting initiatives with authors, professors and leading specialists. These events encourage cultural empathy and facilitate meaningful Scottish-Asian exchanges

Business & Economics

Our focus on business and economic initiatives provides valuable insights into Asia’s rapidly evolving markets. By organising events with chief economists and industry leaders we equip professionals the knowledge to seize opportunities in Asia.

Politics & Policy

Understanding the political and policy frameworks of Asian countries is essential for global engagement. We run events with policy makers, analysts and senior diplomats offering insights into the geopolitical landscape of Asia.

upcoming events

26 Sep 2024
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Join us for an engaging exploration of historical and cultural connections in our webinar, “Scottish Archives Come Alive in Sri Lanka“. Discover how research into a collection of photographs at Broughton Hous

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Previous events

Climate Collaboration: Accelerating Net Zero Solutions in Asia and the EU

India – Navigating The Path Ahead

The Growth Of Organised Crime Around the World

Explore our membershipS

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Individual Memberships

For students looking to learn more about a particular subject on Asia, integrate with like-minded individuals with a similar interest, or a business professional seeking information on an industry or country within Asia, we will provide the resources you need.

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Corporate Memberships

Joining as a Corporate Member will provide you with the chance to make valuable  introductions & connections from within our network and give your organisation the opportunity to input event themes and speakers that you would benefit from.

The mission of the Institute is so important and is at the heart of Scotland’s future. Asia is a large and fast-growing part of the global economy and the next generation must stay in touch of developments by following the people who can share unique insights

Kevin Sneader

McKinsey & Company

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