The Catastrophic Flooding in Pakistan

The Catastrophic Flooding in Pakistan YT 1920 × 1080

Event Description

The catastrophic flooding in Pakistan which has covered over one third of the country and had a disastrous impact on lives and infrastructure calls for an examination of the causes and possible solutions.

We assembled a high-calibre panel to explore the causes and effects of this natural disaster with experts drawn from Pakistan and the UK. In yet another example of climate change, there is a need to draw on global skills to help vulnerable countries prepare for disasters of this kind in what seems a time of increasing events of this kind.

Topics Covered

  • Does the West have the wherewithal to quickly marshal the resources and skills needed to provide assistance?
  • Was this flooding foreseeable?
  • What are the immediate actions that can be taken now by donors and others?
  • The role of Scotland in this case as a provider of relief funding.

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